We’ve provided this glossary to help you understand the “lingo” that’s often spoken about in relation to financial services industry. You can always contact us directly if you need a further explanation!
- Market Cycle
- Absolute Return Fund
- Active Manager
- Alpha
- Alternative Assets
- Asset Allocation
- Asset Class
- Australian Shares
- Basis Point
- Bond
- Cash
- Commodities
- Debt to Equity Ratio
- Defensive Asset
- Derivatives
- Direct Investment
- Diversified Fund
- Fixed Interest
- Fund Manager
- Gearing
- Gold
- Growth Asset
- Hedge Funds
- Hybrid Securities
- Index Fund
- Index Manager
- Infrastructure
- International Shares
- Investment Horizon
- Investment Platform
- Investor Directed Portfolio Service (IDPS)
- Leverage
- Leveraged Buyout
- Liquidity
- Listed Investments
- Loan to Value Ratio (LVR)
- Long Term
- Managed Discretionary Account (MDA)
- Managed Fund
- Management Expense Ratio (MER)
- Manager Style
- Margin Lending
- Market Risk
- Market Timing Risk
- Medium Term
- Mezzanine Fund
- Mortgage Fund
- Multi-Manager Fund
- Multi-Sector Fund
- Passive Manager
- Private Equity
- Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)
- Property Trusts
- Real Rate of Return
- Retail Fund
- Risk
- Risk Tolerance
- Sector Fund
- Short Term
- Single Sector Fund
- Strategic Asset Allocation
- Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)
- Tactical Asset Allocation
- Tilt
- Today's Dollars
- Top Down
- Unit Price
- Unit Trust
- Units
- Unlisted Investment
- Volatility
- Warrants
- Wholesale Fund
- Wrap Account