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New Year’s Resolutions

New year’s resolutions usually have more to do with our body shape, weight loss, our relationship or our jobs.

This message is not directed to any of those aspects but rather to our family’s security and wellbeing.

Unexpected events, such as death, illness or accident do happen, they devastate families and change their lives – You can’t control the event but you may be able to control its financial impact.

Make protecting your family a priority in 2017 by following these four tips:

  1. Protect your standard of living, and that of your family by ensuring your mortgage and other debts are covered by
    appropriate insurance.
  2. Ensure the main income earner has appropriate Life Insurance to replace income loss upon death, disablement or illness – Remember that insurance within your superannuation may be an option.
  3. Ensure your Superannuation beneficiary nominations are binding and appropriate to your circumstances.
  4. Have a valid and up to date will in place together with an enduring Power of Attorney.

Finsec Partners Naracoorte, Barrie Moyle & Associates

Published On: January 19th, 2017Categories: FinSec Post, Insurance